"True Love" Worship Service

Liturgy Script for UUUC Worship Service:

True Love
United Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Dr. Jennifer Thomson
September 21, 2014
Reminder to Silence phones
Words to reflect on printed in OOS
May I be an instrument of peace—
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, harmony;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

May I not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.

The Prayer of Saint Francis is a Catholic Christian prayer. Widely but erroneously attributed to the thirteenth-century saint Francis of Assisi, the prayer in its present form cannot be traced back further than 1912, when it was printed in Paris in French, in a small spiritual magazine called La Clochette (The Little Bell), published by La Ligue de la Sainte-Messe (The Holy Mass League). The author's name was not given, although it may have been the founder of La Ligue, Fr. Esther Bouquerel. (Wikipedia) 
This version adapted by Jennifer Thomson.


(Please greet our neighbors, friends and guests before the service begins.)

Welcome and Announcements                                           John W

Prelude                                                                                   Dan C
“To Love the Hell Out of the World” (excerpts)
by UU Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford
(from her blog Boots and Blessings)

To love the hell out of the world means to love it extravagantly, wastefully, with an overpouring abandon and fervor that sometimes surprises even yourself.
 . . .
But just to live, just to exist, swells your heart with enough gratitude and love that you must release it or burst. And so you love, love the hell out of the world again.
To love the hell out of the world means to see with our hearts, fragile and unprotected. To accept that life is shattering and excruciating. To see the hell in a world, in a group, in a person, in a tear.
Our job, our mission, is to take all of that love, all that overflowing, passionate, undying agape and train it on the hell that exists in this world.
We are Unitarian Universalists—from one source, to one destiny—here to love the hell out of the world.

Chalice Lighting                                                Congregation

“May this flame kindle within us the warmth of compassion, the glow of love, the fire of commitment and the light of truth.

Here together, we scatter and nurture seeds of spirit, service and community.”

*Hymn                             #131 “Love Will Guide Us”
                                   From Singing the Living Tradition (UU grey hymnal)


*Greeting One Another                                                      Congregation

Time For All Ages

Sending Forth the Children                                        #1057 Go Lifted Up
                                                In Singing the Journey (UU teal hymnal)

Children leave for religious education as the congregation sings.

“Go lifted up, love bless your way,
moon light, star light guide your journey
into peace and the brightness of day.”

Sharing of Joys and Sorrows                                       John W


      Spoken (Prayer)                                                  Jennifer Thomson
Musical                                                                      Dan C
   Congregation: Hymn # 1009 “Meditation on Breathing”
                                   in three part harmony
                          from Singing the Journey

We hold in our hearts the joys, such as  [REPEAT JOYS]
and sorrows, such as  [REPEAT SORROWS]
shared here today in this place of love.
We honor also those joys and sorrows that remain unspoken.
May we be moved—by of our own fears and fragility, our own personal brokenness—to reach out in love toward each other.
May we be moved by our own hopes and amazement, our own powerful strength, to reach out in love toward all who yearn for connection, compassion and healing. Amen.

Reading               More from Rev. Joanna Crawford’s
“To Love the Hell Out of the World”
You love because you must. . . . it's the air you breathe in, the water you swim in . . . ; it's seeing the amazing, amazing, amazing gifts of the people all around you. . . .
We love emphatically, actively, with our hands and feet; pushing the wreckage aside, reaching down, stretching until we fear our arms can go no further, but they do, we touch fingers with others, then grab on for dear life, pulling them out to safety, then going back in to remove the hell itself, before it traps someone else. We round a corner only to find hands waiting for us, to pull us to safety, to warmth, for we are both the savior and the saved.
The hell is all around, and we work,
in great passionate swoops and in slow, plodding routines,
to put that extravagant love into action and remove   . . . [the] Misery, ill health, disease,
viciousness of greed in the face of want,
voices that shout hate or whisper meanness,
soul-eating addiction, humiliation, despair,
injustice that curls up nastily, poisoning [us all] . . .
... we do not flee. Bone-chillingly afraid we may be, but we step forward. We are the only form love will take and the work is ours to do.

SERMON                         “True Love”

Sharing of the Offering                                                    John W

CLOSING HYMN # 1008 “When the Heart is in a Holy Place”
from Singing the Journey     
Closing Words                                                             Jennifer Thomson
#683 by Unitarian minister Rev. Theodore Parker
From Singing the Living Tradition

Be ours a religion which, like sunshine, goes everywhere;
its temple, all space;
its shrine, the good heart;
its creed, all truth;
its ritual, works of love;
its profession of faith, divine living.

*Extinguishing the Flame                     
Postlude                                                                             Dan C

We are Unitarian Universalists
here to love the hell out of the world.
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